
I don’t know where to fit this but I suppose it can fit here

TL;DR Constantly being busy is getting me depressed Work. College. Dishes. Laundry. Meal prep. General tidying the house. Random things that life throws at your cause fuck you, that's why. I'll just start this off by saying that I know tike can always be managed better. But at what cost?I can spend an entire day off finding things to do that are productive. But it's my day off. I shouldn't have to. But I do. Because there's always things that need to be done. This week for example, I had soemthing come up that took up my entire Sunday almost. Sunday is normally meal prep day, Maybe a load of laundry or cleaning surfaces. Plus the dishes that I use to cook the entire weeks lunches/some dinners. Monday was my day off, but as my Sunday was mostly consumed with a sudden unpredictable matter, I only meal prepped some of…

TL;DR Constantly being busy is getting me depressed





Meal prep.

General tidying the house.

Random things that life throws at your cause fuck you, that's why.

I'll just start this off by saying that I know tike can always be managed better. But at what cost?I can spend an entire day off finding things to do that are productive. But it's my day off. I shouldn't have to. But I do. Because there's always things that need to be done. This week for example, I had soemthing come up that took up my entire Sunday almost. Sunday is normally meal prep day, Maybe a load of laundry or cleaning surfaces. Plus the dishes that I use to cook the entire weeks lunches/some dinners. Monday was my day off, but as my Sunday was mostly consumed with a sudden unpredictable matter, I only meal prepped some of our food in order to still be able to spend the evening with my wife, who had also spent the entire day studying. So Monday, my supposed day off, was taken to catch up on what didn't get done on Sunday. Tuesday, work, and after work, more of the unpredictable matter. Come today, Wednesday, work, and after, cooking the mid week meal which is normal as I like to cook a fresh dinner once a week so the wife doesn't get tired of eating the same 2 protein options before Friday. This whole week, I have had pending schoolwork, and I'm a little behind in my work in math class. But today is hair washing day. I'll finish cooking these beans, and I'll have to shower and dry my hair (guy with long hair here) Then do maybe an hour or schoolwork, and it's off to bed, waking up to go to the gym tomorrow. I get it. I could use that gym time to do other things. But guess what? I already skipped on Tuesday to deal with said unpredictable matters. It's all a loop. If it's not one thing taking up my supposed free time, it's another. If not laundry, it's dishes. If not dishes, it's cooking and dishes. If not that, it's general tidying up the place to keep my wife and I in good spirits. If not any of the above, it's a random unpredictable matter, and catching up on schoolwork, because I work full time, and attend school online full time. I worl remotely now so no commute. But it doesn't even matter because the time gets eaten up by one thing or another. I blame school, as if I didn't have school, I'd at least have that time free. I could also blame work, cause we all hate work and how much it robs us of here.

Rant over I guess. Just venting. Fuck school. Fuck work. House work is semi necessary, only made worse by school and work.

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