
I don’t like how my boss treats me but nothing “bad enough” has happened

So I work in an office where my boss doesn't seem particularly keen on me. Some examples are: • We were asked to do research and as I was explaining what I found to her she interrupts and says that's not helpful and closes the door in my face • Constantly hangs up the phone on me mid conversation • Will email the entire department to just ask about whether I completed an assigned task that has nothing to do with anyone else • Has assigned a lot of my previous tasks to the intern so now there's gonna be gaps in my worklog track which is gonna raise questions at my next performance appraisal so much that I go around asking if anyone needs help with anything • Ever so often makes comments about how I eat too much and I can only do that now because I'm young…

So I work in an office where my boss doesn't seem particularly keen on me. Some examples are:

• We were asked to do research and as I was explaining what I found to her she interrupts and says that's not helpful and closes the door in my face

• Constantly hangs up the phone on me mid conversation

• Will email the entire department to just ask about whether I completed an assigned task that has nothing to do with anyone else

• Has assigned a lot of my previous tasks to the intern so now there's gonna be gaps in my worklog track which is gonna raise questions at my next performance appraisal so much that I go around asking if anyone needs help with anything

• Ever so often makes comments about how I eat too much and I can only do that now because I'm young and thin but I'll be eating nothing but salads at her age.

• She also makes these little comments every now and again that make it seem like I'm annoying her by doing my job, like asking why did I say she's in office if someone calls for her or saying that she was willing to do something until I mentioned that someone in another department asked about it

There's also a lot of subtle classism at my office that I can't truly explain that's directed towards me since everyone else seems to be from well to do families while I'm a first gen graduate who has years of catching up to do with house repairs and other expenses my family couldn't afford while I was at school.

Since my family isn't particularly well off and I'm now the main bread winner I can't just quit my job. I live with my mother and things were hard when her job reduced her salary and we're paying a mortgage so if I quit without having another job lined up, there's a good chance that we could lose the house if I stay unemployed. My mother doesn't think my work environment is “that bad” and I just need to toughen up since there's worse bosses out there and we're too poor for me to have any period of unemployment. And I agree that there's way worse than this, I don't want to stay at a job where I feel like I'm being a nuisance at best or being constantly picked on at worst. There's also no hope of me getting promoted either since I've already overheard a few people talking to new person they've hired 3 months ago that they will be next in line for the promotion when I've been here for almost 2 years.

What's ironic is that my boss goes on podcasts and social media and champions herself as a pro feminist who wants to see young women excel and wants to mentor young women when the last time our job had an opening, she explicitly said at a staff meeting that she wants a man for the position and said she was so happy to find one “in the sea of women applicants” and I'm the only woman in my department under 30 and I'm definitely not being mentored or even made to feel like she's approachable.

I've already started applying for new jobs and I can't wait to hear back from somewhere soon

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