
I Don’t Really Understand This Subreddit

I've been lurking here for a while. I've seen some posts that I agree with. Walkouts over Union-busting, leaving jobs due to harassment or hazardous conditions, etc. There is far more I don't understand. Why is communism seen as a better alternative to the current system? Doesn't communism put all of the deciding power in the hands of the government/the elite to decide who gets what? Socialism doesn't seem so bad (programs like Universal Healthcare wouldn't be so bad if we could afford it. That would require a conversation about insurance companies however), although from what I've heard it runs into the same problem as communism. Wouldn't it be better to take what works together from the three major systems (capitalism, socialism, and communism) and try to make a new system that works better? Not perfectly, because nothing is ever perfect, but better. Also, why do people expect living wages…

I've been lurking here for a while. I've seen some posts that I agree with. Walkouts over Union-busting, leaving jobs due to harassment or hazardous conditions, etc. There is far more I don't understand. Why is communism seen as a better alternative to the current system? Doesn't communism put all of the deciding power in the hands of the government/the elite to decide who gets what? Socialism doesn't seem so bad (programs like Universal Healthcare wouldn't be so bad if we could afford it. That would require a conversation about insurance companies however), although from what I've heard it runs into the same problem as communism. Wouldn't it be better to take what works together from the three major systems (capitalism, socialism, and communism) and try to make a new system that works better? Not perfectly, because nothing is ever perfect, but better.

Also, why do people expect living wages from part-time fast food jobs? Haven't those always been more of a “high school summer” job? It can't be that hard to find a better paying job. It takes some time and bouncing around, but it is possible.

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