
I don’t receive tips as a waiter and customers aren’t informed

I've been working at restaurant in Florida, which I'm not going to name for obvious privacy purposes, for about 6 months and we simply don't receive tips. We use machines which people put their card into and pay on, and before they are able to pay with their card they have too choose a percent to tip. I believe by law this screen should also tell the customer that waiters gain none of the tip, or at least a sign somewhere in the restaurant should, but try as I might I couldn't find anywhere informing diners of this. Is this legal?

I've been working at restaurant in Florida, which I'm not going to name for obvious privacy purposes, for about 6 months and we simply don't receive tips. We use machines which people put their card into and pay on, and before they are able to pay with their card they have too choose a percent to tip. I believe by law this screen should also tell the customer that waiters gain none of the tip, or at least a sign somewhere in the restaurant should, but try as I might I couldn't find anywhere informing diners of this. Is this legal?

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