
I don’t see a point in working anymore

I genuinely dont see the point in working anymore and I feel like giving up. To start off yes I am aware of the obvious consequences not having a job will have (homelessness, starvation, death) and I could take it further and say that I dont see a point in living anymore. I don't see a point in living a life where I have to do a job that is very hard on my body and mind, will consume my health drastically and leave me unfulfilled, just to barely survive. While all jobs have this problem to some extent, there are some jobs that are much harder to deal with on the long term where these problems become gradually more severe. Take factory jobs (manufacturing) or labourer jobs for example. After a while the work becomes increasingly difficult and tiring to sustain and I would have to quit. Which means…

I genuinely dont see the point in working anymore and I feel like giving up.

To start off yes I am aware of the obvious consequences not having a job will have (homelessness, starvation, death) and I could take it further and say that I dont see a point in living anymore.

I don't see a point in living a life where I have to do a job that is very hard on my body and mind, will consume my health drastically and leave me unfulfilled, just to barely survive.

While all jobs have this problem to some extent, there are some jobs that are much harder to deal with on the long term where these problems become gradually more severe. Take factory jobs (manufacturing) or labourer jobs for example. After a while the work becomes increasingly difficult and tiring to sustain and I would have to quit. Which means I would likely end up homeless in the long run.

It doesn't help that where I live (i am not american) the wages for these jobs are absymal, there is no minimum wage, worker are treated extremely poorly and there is a huge disregard for labour laws among employers at these types of jobs.

I understand that there are ways to attempt to deal with this. Therapy, hobbies and friends can be of help. But utimately none of those things fix the root of the problem which causes my depression: my job and my poverty.

I also know that not everyone will be able to relate or understand my situation. I come from a family with a poor background and my parents work hard so I could get a good career. I've seen the effect those jobs had on their health and neither them nor I wish for the same thing to happen to me.

But I am not very smart. I am quite unskilled in terms of physicla prowess. Learning a trade skill is not an option due to my motor difficulties. All I can get are low wage hard labour jobs which I can no longer live with.

I simply do not wish a lifetime of suffering for myself. I dont want to survive, I want to live my life fully. And if I can't do that, then I just dont see a point.

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