
I don’t see a reason to even be alive if this is what’s expected of us

I’m not religious. I don’t think there’s anything better waiting for us after we die. As far as I can tell this is it. And this is pretty shit. We wake up earlier than we want. Go somewhere we don’t want to be. Do shit we hate with people we don’t like. Eat like shit cause it’s convenient. Ignore stuff like exercise cause we’re too tired just to end up with diabetes or heart disease we can’t afford to treat because the companies supposed to be helping us are for profit. Everytime I’m at work I can’t help but thinking “I’m half hour from the beach. Why am I not there” or “I miss my family “ and it’s pathetic seeing how I have only seen my aunt who lives like 30 minutes away once in the last year. There is so much shit to do in the world we…

I’m not religious. I don’t think there’s anything better waiting for us after we die. As far as I can tell this is it. And this is pretty shit. We wake up earlier than we want. Go somewhere we don’t want to be. Do shit we hate with people we don’t like. Eat like shit cause it’s convenient. Ignore stuff like exercise cause we’re too tired just to end up with diabetes or heart disease we can’t afford to treat because the companies supposed to be helping us are for profit. Everytime I’m at work I can’t help but thinking “I’m half hour from the beach. Why am I not there” or “I miss my family “ and it’s pathetic seeing how I have only seen my aunt who lives like 30 minutes away once in the last year. There is so much shit to do in the world we could literally never do the same thing twice and not even come close to doing it. Instead we are forced to work for starvation wages to make someone exponentially richer? It makes zero sense, it doesn’t work, and at this point i can’t even pretend to give a fuck. 8 hours of my life I could be doing something mentally engaging or satisfying to do just flushed down the toilet everyday. I don’t even want much. I don’t understand why anyone defends this. I don’t want to be put on antidepressants to deal with this bullshit. There are more of us than them. Why haven’t we organized yet? If I could uproot my entire life and move to the mountains and just hike all day I feel like I’d be infinitely happier even if I lived in a tent. But now? I’m just doing my best to not fall into a self destructive spiral. It doesn’t seem a worthwhile use of my time to spend the next 40 years of my life working hoping I don’t need some medical intervention ever cause it would just bankrupt me.

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