
I don’t think I will ever be able to hold down a job

First of all, hi. I'm new to this subreddit but I've been lurking for a long time. Almost all of the comments and the values shared here allign with mine. I hope that, finally, I won't be judged for expressing my viewpoint. The truth is, I hate working. I've switched lots of jobs and the longest I lasted is a year or so. And that was a part time job. I'm well educated by most standards (masters degree and all that stuff). I'm really good in my profession. But I'm not passionate about it and from today's viewpoint, I'm not even sure why I have chosen it and not something else instead. The reality of 9-5 full time job is killing me. I have one now and I absolutely despise it. It's not the pay, it's not the boss, nor the coworkers – I think it is me. After a…

First of all, hi. I'm new to this subreddit but I've been lurking for a long time. Almost all of the comments and the values shared here allign with mine. I hope that, finally, I won't be judged for expressing my viewpoint.

The truth is, I hate working. I've switched lots of jobs and the longest I lasted is a year or so. And that was a part time job.

I'm well educated by most standards (masters degree and all that stuff). I'm really good in my profession. But I'm not passionate about it and from today's viewpoint, I'm not even sure why I have chosen it and not something else instead.

The reality of 9-5 full time job is killing me. I have one now and I absolutely despise it. It's not the pay, it's not the boss, nor the coworkers – I think it is me. After a couple of months (or even less) of working somewhere I somehow flip out and I just quit. Sometimes without a warnining, without an argument. Heck, it even happened that I've left the workplace at the lunchbreak and just ghosted them.

Some days I'm just too exhausted to deal with other people's sh*t. People close to me say that it's only me being lazy and useless.

I guess this was a rant but I needed it badly.

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