
I don’t think I’m getting paid what was promised

I've been a bit suspicious of the pay I've been getting from my work. For background, I am a delivery truck driver. I started at 19$ an hour and was promised that by years end, I would be up to 24$ an hour. Now I know that just words is meaningless and that having sonething in writing is needed. The good thing is I do have a written agreement that says how much I should be making at certain points. There's an increase at 3 months, 6 months and 12 months. I've gotten the 3 month increase but I'm now on my 8th month and I still don't have the 6 month increase. It says it will be 22.14$ per hour but I'm still making 20.56$ per hour. Normally I wouldnt mind too much but I'm barely getting by paycheck to paycheck some weeks. Should I complain about this or…

I've been a bit suspicious of the pay I've been getting from my work. For background, I am a delivery truck driver. I started at 19$ an hour and was promised that by years end, I would be up to 24$ an hour. Now I know that just words is meaningless and that having sonething in writing is needed. The good thing is I do have a written agreement that says how much I should be making at certain points. There's an increase at 3 months, 6 months and 12 months. I've gotten the 3 month increase but I'm now on my 8th month and I still don't have the 6 month increase. It says it will be 22.14$ per hour but I'm still making 20.56$ per hour. Normally I wouldnt mind too much but I'm barely getting by paycheck to paycheck some weeks.

Should I complain about this or is it not worth it? I know I'd want to find a better job anyways but I don't want tonfeel like I'm being cheated

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