
I don’t think my boss’s expectations should be a mystery guessing game

So, where I work, the higher ups decided to give us some meager raises, and as a result, my office’s boss pulled us all aside one by one to discuss where that put our salaries. We just had evaluations a couple months ago, but she took this time to re-evaluate. This means, since the raises are partly performance-based, she went out of her way to find excuses to have only negative critique so as not to give anything but the barest minimum to anyone but the one woman she’s friends with in the office. In mine, she brought up a reprimand I’ve had since the last eval. That reprimand was her saying she gave me instructions she didn’t, then wrote me up for insubordination for not following the direction I was not given. When I confronted her about that issue, she got defensive and angry and refused to admit or…

So, where I work, the higher ups decided to give us some meager raises, and as a result, my office’s boss pulled us all aside one by one to discuss where that put our salaries.

We just had evaluations a couple months ago, but she took this time to re-evaluate. This means, since the raises are partly performance-based, she went out of her way to find excuses to have only negative critique so as not to give anything but the barest minimum to anyone but the one woman she’s friends with in the office.

In mine, she brought up a reprimand I’ve had since the last eval. That reprimand was her saying she gave me instructions she didn’t, then wrote me up for insubordination for not following the direction I was not given. When I confronted her about that issue, she got defensive and angry and refused to admit or even entertain the idea that she didn’t give this specific instruction.

She also – laughably – put into writing that she’s still having problems getting me to come in 5 minutes before the scheduled time every day to set up. This is an illegal demand, so I simply don’t follow it. I come in right on time. Technically, maybe 2-4 minutes early. My station is always up and running by opening time sharp. Not sure what her complaint is there, except a power struggle to force me to obey the 5 minute thing, which, again, I will not do. I don’t get paid for those 5 extra minutes daily.

The end of the evaluation, she states that I am no longer to be allowed to take classes for my certification (not required, but she prefers everyone in the office have it) until I prove she can “trust me” to improve.

At the end of this, not in writing, she tells me she’s giving me this next week, while she’s off, to come up with a list of what I believe her expectations of me are for this job. She added, “without me telling you.”

Reader, I am tempted to produce the copy of my job description she gave me on hire. The boss’s expectations should not be a guessing game or some big secret that she wants to test me on. Right?

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