
I don’t think the solution is to raise minimum wage

Let me explain. I don’t think it’s the solution, mainly because quite honestly, some small businesses can’t afford it, and have been doing fine for a while without so but do you know what I think should be changed? Price caps on things, while I don’t believe in full on government regulation or like communism, I don’t believe a house in a area of average income being $50k should be legally allowed to be $600k, I believe things should be tied to the areas average income when it comes to rent and housing And then for milk, gas or etc, most of which honestly do not seem like there’s supply issues anymore, just greed, not being able to rise certain %s based on class a year (food, gas, utilities, whatever idk) If average income in an area is $40k or something, the max a like 3 bedroom house can cost…

Let me explain.

I don’t think it’s the solution, mainly because quite honestly, some small businesses can’t afford it, and have been doing fine for a while without so but do you know what I think should be changed?

Price caps on things, while I don’t believe in full on government regulation or like communism,

I don’t believe a house in a area of average income being $50k should be legally allowed to be $600k,

I believe things should be tied to the areas average income when it comes to rent and housing

And then for milk, gas or etc, most of which honestly do not seem like there’s supply issues anymore, just greed, not being able to rise certain %s based on class a year (food, gas, utilities, whatever idk)

If average income in an area is $40k or something, the max a like 3 bedroom house can cost should only be maybe 8x the average income or something similar, and that would be for some thing actually more luxurious instead of jjst a basic need

Edit: to tack onto this too since people will say “oh then rich people from California will just buy up entire neighborhoods” yeah well I also reasonably don’t see why a rich person needs any more than 3 houses or even 2 tbh.

1st house – main house

2nd house – vacation home

3rd house – can be whatever doesn’t matter

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