
I don’t trust anything my boss says anymore

A few months ago I sent an email formally requesting to be upgraded from part time to full time permanent hours. At least four other co-workers have done the same thing. Our Award states that such requests should be honoured unless there's a really good reason not to. My manager's response was 'Great idea. When hours become available we'll talk about it.' Hours recently became available BUT we were told 'We don't know who to give it to first so we're going to advertise it instead. You're all welcome to apply for it.' Two weeks after that, my manager approached me privately and said 'I would like to formally offer you full time permanent hours. We have had a resignation and I'm going to offer you the extra hours.' It's been a week of waiting and NOW I hear that things have changed again. No resignation. No offer of full…

A few months ago I sent an email formally requesting to be upgraded from part time to full time permanent hours. At least four other co-workers have done the same thing.
Our Award states that such requests should be honoured unless there's a really good reason not to.

My manager's response was 'Great idea. When hours become available we'll talk about it.'

Hours recently became available BUT we were told 'We don't know who to give it to first so we're going to advertise it instead. You're all welcome to apply for it.'

Two weeks after that, my manager approached me privately and said 'I would like to formally offer you full time permanent hours. We have had a resignation and I'm going to offer you the extra hours.'

It's been a week of waiting and NOW I hear that things have changed again. No resignation. No offer of full time hours. Please apply for the hours with everyone else.

I'm sick of things changing every week. Someone with a bit of integrity would actually stick to what they say they're going to do.

I'm done

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