
I don’t understand blind loyalty

I find it hilarious my go workers have blind loyalty for a company that doesn’t give a shit about them. I got roasted today because a co worker heard me whispering calling another co worker some names. Because they suck that cooperate cock I got roasted. You can’t trust anyone you work with. That being said I know I’m at a dead end job with no opportunities and I trustable go workers so I’ve been applying to other jobs for quite some time but i keep getting dear applicant letters, just got another one today too. Can’t leave because of expenses. Gotta love prison I mean this economy.

I find it hilarious my go workers have blind loyalty for a company that doesn’t give a shit about them. I got roasted today because a co worker heard me whispering calling another co worker some names. Because they suck that cooperate cock I got roasted. You can’t trust anyone you work with. That being said I know I’m at a dead end job with no opportunities and I trustable go workers so I’ve been applying to other jobs for quite some time but i keep getting dear applicant letters, just got another one today too. Can’t leave because of expenses. Gotta love prison I mean this economy.

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