
I dont understand finding coverage

I've worked a lot of jobs, in a lot of industries, and in none of them have I had to find my own coverage. Either there's a small amount of employees that all work the same schedule, or there's so many employees they'll just fill in the gaps of whoevers gone. I see all these posts on here about “finding coverage” and straight up don't understand how that's supposed to work, like are you supposed to have all your co workers contacts and personally ask them to take your shift? And if you're the one being asked are you expected to come in on your off time? Personally I would feel so guilty asking for someone to cover me, and maybe I've just been lucky with my jobs but my schedule is my schedule, I'm not coming in on my day off on short notice .

I've worked a lot of jobs, in a lot of industries, and in none of them have I had to find my own coverage. Either there's a small amount of employees that all work the same schedule, or there's so many employees they'll just fill in the gaps of whoevers gone.

I see all these posts on here about “finding coverage” and straight up don't understand how that's supposed to work, like are you supposed to have all your co workers contacts and personally ask them to take your shift? And if you're the one being asked are you expected to come in on your off time? Personally I would feel so guilty asking for someone to cover me, and maybe I've just been lucky with my jobs but my schedule is my schedule, I'm not coming in on my day off on short notice .

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