
I don’t understand this sub sometimes

Please hear me out. I'm on your team and I fully support everyone here but what is the point of this sub? It seems like all we see here is people complaining and repeating the same old thing “billionaires don't care” “capitalism is bad” followed by some type of screenshot. blah blah blah. We all know this but How does any of this further the anti work cause? What are we doing to improve our condition?This is my opinion but I think mods should consider this and filter out the low effort content and promote more meaningful things ( I love the talks! ). I say this respectfully and hope this prompts a good discussion.

Please hear me out. I'm on your team and I fully support everyone here but what is the point of this sub? It seems like all we see here is people complaining and repeating the same old thing “billionaires don't care” “capitalism is bad” followed by some type of screenshot. blah blah blah. We all know this but How does any of this further the anti work cause? What are we doing to improve our condition?This is my opinion but I think mods should consider this and filter out the low effort content and promote more meaningful things ( I love the talks! ). I say this respectfully and hope this prompts a good discussion.

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