
I don’t want to go back to work

I dunno if this is the right subreddit for this, but I just need to sigh about this. So I left my job back in August because it was really affecting my mental health. ( Don't work in an ice cream shop where you're alone every shift in a tourist city for the summer ). Then since my next college semester was just around the corner I was reassembling some of my mental health like a week before the semester started with the plan that by the end of August I would find a new job. Now the issue is, I just don't have the energy for a job. I know I need one. I can't just rely on my older sister, but the thought of getting another job that would most likely be a cashier in food service and dealing with all those people again I'm like, please no.…

I dunno if this is the right subreddit for this, but I just need to sigh about this.
So I left my job back in August because it was really affecting my mental health. ( Don't work in an ice cream shop where you're alone every shift in a tourist city for the summer ). Then since my next college semester was just around the corner I was reassembling some of my mental health like a week before the semester started with the plan that by the end of August I would find a new job.

Now the issue is, I just don't have the energy for a job. I know I need one. I can't just rely on my older sister, but the thought of getting another job that would most likely be a cashier in food service and dealing with all those people again I'm like, please no. Especially since most of the options are about 30-35 minutes away by driving and only pay about $12/hr I just can't bring myself to apply for a lot of jobs. I know it could be worse, but I'm just very tired of working.

Also in the over probably 70+ applications I have sent between mid August and now, I've gotten two interviews so that's also very motivating.

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