
I dont want to work in Offices anymore: They are toxic enviroments full of intrigues and backstabbing – worse than Game of Thrones

My God – has it allways been like this? All the intrigues – bad mouthing – toxicity – coup d´etats – its worse than Game of Thrones. Worse than a Kindergarden. Everyone tries to make others look bad. Everyone just searches fo the mistakes of the others. Everyone just tries to climp to the top over the dead bodies of the others. The stupidest most incompetent people get promoted because they are the best deceivers and the most maleficent. Its horrible. I hate office work. I want do do meaningfull work – but not whatever this is!

My God – has it allways been like this? All the intrigues – bad mouthing – toxicity – coup d´etats – its worse than Game of Thrones. Worse than a Kindergarden. Everyone tries to make others look bad. Everyone just searches fo the mistakes of the others.

Everyone just tries to climp to the top over the dead bodies of the others. The stupidest most incompetent people get promoted because they are the best deceivers and the most maleficent. Its horrible. I hate office work. I want do do meaningfull work – but not whatever this is!

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