
I (F/34) can’t understand how to design residential spaces for clients with children b/c I don’t have children.

This post falls under the “want personal help with their own jobs/work-related struggles.” For background, the company I work for is in higher-end residential remodeling. It is 2 years old and ran by 2 partners/owners. We have a staff of 8-10 employees. My role is marketing and design. The company is trying to find its way in regards to communicating and scheduling. Yesterday, I received a group text from the 2 owners at noon asking if I was available for “the review” at 3:30. I said definitely, and asked what the review was and if I needed to be prepared with anything. The response was no, nothing to prepare for. This was just to chat about the last year and see how things are going. I don't know how I did not put it together before walking into the meeting, but this was a performance review. As the review started…

This post falls under the “want personal help with their own jobs/work-related struggles.”

For background, the company I work for is in higher-end residential remodeling. It is 2 years old and ran by 2 partners/owners. We have a staff of 8-10 employees. My role is marketing and design. The company is trying to find its way in regards to communicating and scheduling.

Yesterday, I received a group text from the 2 owners at noon asking if I was available for “the review” at 3:30. I said definitely, and asked what the review was and if I needed to be prepared with anything. The response was no, nothing to prepare for. This was just to chat about the last year and see how things are going.

I don't know how I did not put it together before walking into the meeting, but this was a performance review. As the review started I was slowly putting it together. I have previously been pulled into day-of meetings to talk about processes, company development, or project capacity/load of others and thought this was maybe a review of overall company growth and outlook or review how many leads and clients my work and communications had pulled in this year. I sat down and it got weird from there.

Immediately after telling me briefly I am doing a good job, but there are improvements in communication I could work on, questions were being asked that I was not prepared for. The first questions was, “What could we do to improve the company?” I tripped up and said I think we're going in a positive direction, especially in regards to communicating about project details. But I am not prepared for this meeting. I was misunderstanding what “the review” meant and was then laughed at like I was fibbing that I was confused what those two text earlier in the day meant this meeting was.

When I couldn't answer the questions, I was told this is meant to just be a conversation. I say, I know this is not an ideal time to bring it up, because I understand I misunderstood what the review was about, but outside of this miscommunication and this meeting, I would like to have more heads up for non-client facing meetings we have internally. By doing so I can plan my work around them and come more prepared. It was received.

First Boss then immediately got to his point and asked if I want to be an interior designer AND if I feel in competition with our outside interior designer AND if I want to take her job. All in one phrasing before I could answer. So the last question I jump on, and say no, of course I don't want to take her job, I don't want to take anyone's job. And no I do not feel in competition with her, I am learning from her. First boss says good, because she loves you! I say I love her work too. Second boss says, you just need to communicate what you want out of your role. And the other boss agrees that I need to speak up about my aspirations if I want to be an interior designer. I'm stunned. I literally do residential design renderings and have designed the company's showroom and have received praise for designing things for the showroom and clients. I am a residential designer already. Not to mention, this year I had a formal conversation with Second Boss about how I see myself enjoying the design side of things and I would like to have a future role as a designer, more than I would marketing. I had a second conversation with Second Boss about how I am researching outside education for interior design certifications just last month.

Now, here's something completely unexpected. First Boss says, Outside Designer has a certain knowledge base that she brings. I agree emphatically, adding she has so many more years experience than me, of course. That is why I quietly listen to her, observe how she interacts with home owners, and see a relationship growing where I can ask her questions. (background-I have been asked by Second Boss to be a manager of the design process, which includes asking very specific questions about projects and meeting timelines and milestones. First Boss and Outside Designer are now having to answer me and craft timelines with me — all things they have never had to do before, which can be stressful and unforgiving to building sound relationships.) Either way, First Boss corrects me and my statement about her experience level and says no, it is not so much her years experience, but that she has kids, the clients have kids, and there are going to be things that you will simply not understand.

I'm stunned again. My Second Boss besides me gives off major vibes of “no no no, don't say that” as he is a lawyer and this is discriminatory. I have chosen to adopt in the future for personal reasons and I have never had an issue connecting and designing for a client with children.

First Boss adds that I can be rigid with clients interactions. I can at least work with that as feedback! I am learning and have been in front of two clients on project site meetings so far. I have been less polished than I would like, but I definitely would NOT use the work rigid for the connections and communications I have had with clients outside and inside their homes. I also would not use the word rigid after telling someone your childless lifestyle makes you unable to do your job the way you wish, no matter your experience level. Also, not to mention, diminishing Outside Designers experience and skill.

I need any and all advice. I just don't know what to do. If anything at all.

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