
I feel disrespected and left behind in a company acquisition

The company I work for recently acquired a much smaller firm (10 people vs 250) with employees who do the exact scope as me, but with less experience and no completed projects (in construction). During the acquisition, as a way to sweeten the deal for the new company, all the people doing my exact job in the acquired company got promoted to director roles with new people under them, while I stayed as a manager. Additionally, since the acquired company is now the entire department that does the work that I do, I will be starting to work under their CEO. I am shifting managers and I’m the only person not located in the city that the acquired company is from. I’m starting 3 levels down from everyone, even though I have more experience and projects both completed and in development. I feel disrespected and very disappointed. Everyone in the…

The company I work for recently acquired a much smaller firm (10 people vs 250) with employees who do the exact scope as me, but with less experience and no completed projects (in construction). During the acquisition, as a way to sweeten the deal for the new company, all the people doing my exact job in the acquired company got promoted to director roles with new people under them, while I stayed as a manager. Additionally, since the acquired company is now the entire department that does the work that I do, I will be starting to work under their CEO. I am shifting managers and I’m the only person not located in the city that the acquired company is from. I’m starting 3 levels down from everyone, even though I have more experience and projects both completed and in development. I feel disrespected and very disappointed. Everyone in the owner company tells me how I’m irreplaceable and appreciated, but I sure don’t feel this way. I don’t fit into the new acquired team, as they have a frat bro culture, I’m a Latin woman. I’m currently teaching them to do their job, but I’m 3 levels down. The way I see it, I can shift into a different department or go to a different company. Part of me wants to tell my former boss and CEO to eff off and leave for a higher paying job that offers more remote flexibility. Should I start looking for a new job? Thank you for your advice!

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