
I feel humiliated

I got a job and became the bartender and basically the only person who cared… so we have a new manager finally, one who doesn’t really do anything we need and still kind of sucks- well I’ve pointed this out, but now IM getting replaced. So fucking embarrassing to have cared about a place so much and this is how they do me.. like even the other departments think I should just be quiet now… like they all agreed with me a week ago?? I was struggling because he couldn’t provide the adequate support I needed and now he’s just replacing me. Likeeee I don’t know what to do? Fuck these jobs I guess I mean they do not give a fuck??

I got a job and became the bartender and basically the only person who cared… so we have a new manager finally, one who doesn’t really do anything we need and still kind of sucks- well I’ve pointed this out, but now IM getting replaced. So fucking embarrassing to have cared about a place so much and this is how they do me..
like even the other departments think I should just be quiet now… like they all agreed with me a week ago?? I was struggling because he couldn’t provide the adequate support I needed and now he’s just replacing me. Likeeee
I don’t know what to do? Fuck these jobs I guess I mean they do not give a fuck??

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