
I feel like I am taking the blame for my company’s lack of training. I don’t know what to do

I got my first job out of college last April, at a very small but dysfunctional marketing firm. I started off as an office manager and within 3 months I was switched to a project manager (no increase in pay) due to the company’s high turnover rate and refusal to hire more people. I was open to it though, good work experience I figured. I have no professional experience at all and I feel like I’m taking the blame for my lack of training. I have received maybe, 5 hours of training in total over the course of the past 4 months. I was just thrown into the role and told to start assigning projects, then I get scolded for not doing it correctly. This past week, I assigned a website edit to a programmer and I find out that he did not make the form live. I was scolded…

I got my first job out of college last April, at a very small but dysfunctional marketing firm. I started off as an office manager and within 3 months I was switched to a project manager (no increase in pay) due to the company’s high turnover rate and refusal to hire more people. I was open to it though, good work experience I figured. I have no professional experience at all and I feel like I’m taking the blame for my lack of training. I have received maybe, 5 hours of training in total over the course of the past 4 months. I was just thrown into the role and told to start assigning projects, then I get scolded for not doing it correctly.

This past week, I assigned a website edit to a programmer and I find out that he did not make the form live. I was scolded for it but never in the history of this website, have I ever had to create a separate request to go live. It has always been done automatically with this company. I tried to explain this and now I am told “Well now the customer is going to be upset!”. I have been told that my boss makes a big deal out of small things and to just brush it off but I honestly feel disrespected. I know they hired me, an inexperienced person, so they didn’t have to pay me as much and now they get upset when I don’t automatically know everything.

My coworkers are super sweet and understanding but my boss (the company owner) can’t see the other side of things and it has caused a lot of issues in the company and as many times as the company has tried to get more organized, the efforts have failed. I have thought it’s kind of early to start looking elsewhere, I should probably fill out at least a year here but I don’t know. What should I do?

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