
I feel like I can only get a job through connections.

I am 29 male and currently looking for a new job and I have been applying for entry level jobs for months now and I have been rejected a thousand times by now. Meanwhile, I only got the job I currently have because my dad knew the supervisor of the company I work at. Before that I got into a internship because one of my dads friends worked there. One of my goals is to get a new job that is entry level and try to start working from home. I only know basic computer skill stuff so my remote working options are limited. My mom and my aunt both got remote jobs but they did not have any experience prior or college degrees to get it. I asked my mom how she got her remote job but she got hers through word of mouth from a friend. When I…

I am 29 male and currently looking for a new job and I have been applying for entry level jobs for months now and I have been rejected a thousand times by now. Meanwhile, I only got the job I currently have because my dad knew the supervisor of the company I work at. Before that I got into a internship because one of my dads friends worked there. One of my goals is to get a new job that is entry level and try to start working from home. I only know basic computer skill stuff so my remote working options are limited. My mom and my aunt both got remote jobs but they did not have any experience prior or college degrees to get it. I asked my mom how she got her remote job but she got hers through word of mouth from a friend. When I go to apply to these companies online I just get email rejections after rejections. I sometimes email them back about what I can do to improve or correct my resume but they just re send the email rejection letter again. My dad will sometimes recommend me jobs to work at but they all pay around min wage. It is frustrating to find a job that I don't know someone at.

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