
i feel like i should get a higher paying job but i just don’t want to work more

i just graduated from a very good and expensive university with a philosophy degree, but i’m currently working about 25-30 hours a week delivering grubhub orders. i actually love the job though. i just get to drive around by myself and i make really good money for the amount of work i do (or the lack thereof). people tip really well in my area and i love not having a boss. i also have chronic health issues and it’s nice not having to actually call in and hinder other peoples lives if i need to take the day off. but: my parents keep sending me jobs to apply for. i’ve gotten a few interviews but i keep cancelling them because i simply don’t want a different job. but i feel like i should have more ambition. i feel stupid for not wanting a different job if it’d pay me more…

i just graduated from a very good and expensive university with a philosophy degree, but i’m currently working about 25-30 hours a week delivering grubhub orders. i actually love the job though. i just get to drive around by myself and i make really good money for the amount of work i do (or the lack thereof). people tip really well in my area and i love not having a boss. i also have chronic health issues and it’s nice not having to actually call in and hinder other peoples lives if i need to take the day off.

but: my parents keep sending me jobs to apply for. i’ve gotten a few interviews but i keep cancelling them because i simply don’t want a different job. but i feel like i should have more ambition. i feel stupid for not wanting a different job if it’d pay me more money. but the thing is: i don’t need more money. sure, i have student loans to pay off, but right now i’m just living with my parents. and i honestly doubt i could possibly pay back my loans at any point in my life unless i won the lottery, so i’m not putting too much pressure on myself for those. i at least know that i couldn’t pay them off with the salaries of the other jobs im being offered. right now i’m just saving all of my money for the only thing i want: a tiny house. with a tiny house, i don’t need a lot of money either. if i did have some kind of rent or mortgage, it wouldn’t be very expensive. more money would mean i could move out of my parents house and into a tiny house sooner, but my childhood dog is also a senior now and i want to stay as close as i can to him for as long as possible, so i don’t mind the delay.

i’m feeling guilty though. i understand my parents perspective. who wouldn’t want more money? i suppose even if i don’t need the money, i could use it to help others. but i just… don’t want to work that much. i like my free time. i like time to do nothing. and all of the other perks (no boss, flexible hours, etc.) of grubhub make me want to stick with it even more.

i’m only 21. and i’m planning on owning my own (tiny) home within the next 5 years, even with the track i’m currently going down. the only real reason i see to get a non-grubhub job is for insurance, which i will need in 5 years when i’m 26 and no longer able to be on my parents’. why not stick with grubhub for these next 5 years, live my life, then get a Real Job when i’m settled in my tiny house?

TL;DR: my lifestyle is very inexpensive and i don’t need more money to afford it. i just want to make enough money to live and still actually be ABLE to live, not be a slave to my job.

sure, i could do difficult work for 40 hours a week and make $60k per year, but why would i do that when i only need $40k and can attain it through 25 hours of easy work?

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