
I feel like I’m being discriminated against for my pregnancy.

Long story short, I started my job in February of this year and found out I was pregnant and alerted them in mid March. In hindsight, I probably shouldn't have let them know so early, but I was experiencing severe morning sickness and I wanted to preface my slight decline in “peppiness” due to the fact I was sick. I ended up transferring to a different location after a few months because it was closer to my apartment, and that is when I started having a lot of problems. I work for a small pet store. They have stores in only 2 states and currently employ just over 600 people. I actually really like the JOB aspect of it; I love interacting with the customers and helping them find what they need to care for their pets, giving dogs treats, and the extra discount for my own cats is great.…

Long story short, I started my job in February of this year and found out I was pregnant and alerted them in mid March. In hindsight, I probably shouldn't have let them know so early, but I was experiencing severe morning sickness and I wanted to preface my slight decline in “peppiness” due to the fact I was sick. I ended up transferring to a different location after a few months because it was closer to my apartment, and that is when I started having a lot of problems.

I work for a small pet store. They have stores in only 2 states and currently employ just over 600 people. I actually really like the JOB aspect of it; I love interacting with the customers and helping them find what they need to care for their pets, giving dogs treats, and the extra discount for my own cats is great. That being said, the management is an absolute nightmare. While it is bad for most people there (after I started in May, we've lost 3 leads, one additional staff-level person quit, and one was fired), I feel like I'm being specifically targeted due to my pregnancy. It was all fine before my restrictions kicked in. I was often praised for my performance. One day I came into work and informed my boss since I was entering into my second trimester, I was not supposed to be lifting the heavy dog food and litter bags, and my boss immediately shut me down. She said I would need to contact HR in order to get the accomodation form, and that my doctor would have to fill it out. I was required to lift these heavy items until the form was submitted because she stated it would be “favoritism” if I didn't do shipment as others did. I got the accommodation form in, and after that noticed that I was being targeted for tiny things in my performance. I have been spoken to on several occasions for hours regarding “greeting” the customers when they come in. I do the same as everyone else, but they tell me that I need to approach each person and ask if they need help finding anything. When I was using a stool to cashier, my boss told me I had to put it away and fill out an updated accommodation form in order to continue using it. I am constantly being watched and critiqued for every single thing I do. If I do something right, I didn't do it “right” enough, so I get a discussion form sent to HR about it. I have had so many discussion forms about tiny, genuine mistakes, and it's really starting to get to me. Yesterday I was pulled into the office for over an hour regarding greeting once again. I told them I was under the assumption that I was on a “final” for it (meaning if I didn't improve I would be terminated), and that any mistakes I'm making are an oversight and not intentional. I told them I’m afraid to lose my job, and they know how tight my money situation is. They said they were going to take more drastic steps if I didn't greet and approach every single customer. If I have one more oversight, HR will be involved and will give my boss the “next steps.”

Well, they've finally done it. As much as I love the job, they have killed my morale. I had a terrible day at work today because I was being critiqued, watched, and coached, all on the floor and all in front of my coworkers and customers. It's embarrassing and upsetting; for the customers' sake I like to go above and beyond because it feels great to be able to help their animals. I love it. But I'm to the point now where it's causing me so much stress and heartache and I know that no matter what, I'll never live up to their impossible expectations.

What can I do about this? I am to the point where I'm embarrassed to return to work, and honestly very upset at the way they treat me. I excel at the job and I feel like they can't wait for me to leave so they can get someone completely able-bodied and available to help with shipment and work longer shifts.

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