
I feel like I’m being taken advantage of

I work for a sub shop, I get paid $11.75 an hour and they do not give us ANY breaks, even though they are legally required to give us a 30minute lunch for 6+ hour shifts. I work my butt off and no one else seems to care or get as stressed out as I do, but I was willing to overlook all of that until now. They fired the manager that i actually liked working for, and replaced them with another younger manager that doesn't do nearly as good a job running the restaurant. The other day they couldn't even get anything done before we opened at 10am and myself and their boss had to finish their tasks for them. Now this morning I woke up with an awful migraine and when this happens I'm puking and not able to see straight for hours, and my medication isn't touching…

I work for a sub shop, I get paid $11.75 an hour and they do not give us ANY breaks, even though they are legally required to give us a 30minute lunch for 6+ hour shifts. I work my butt off and no one else seems to care or get as stressed out as I do, but I was willing to overlook all of that until now. They fired the manager that i actually liked working for, and replaced them with another younger manager that doesn't do nearly as good a job running the restaurant. The other day they couldn't even get anything done before we opened at 10am and myself and their boss had to finish their tasks for them.

Now this morning I woke up with an awful migraine and when this happens I'm puking and not able to see straight for hours, and my medication isn't touching it today. I never call out, but I sent a message apologizing for the inconvenience and letting them know why I couldn't come in. My boss liked my message, then a few minutes later they sent a paragraph to the group chat that I will paraphrase for privacy reasons:

Basically it said that call outs are getting ridiculous and that if we expect them to give out checks (they don't even have direct deposit) then they expect us to work when scheduled. When we don't, everyone else is screwed. If you don't want to work then they will gladly find your replacement.

I understand being frustrated, but this is a totally unprofessional way for any boss to act. (The actual text was more aggressive than my paraphrasing) I felt bad enough calling off, but now I feel like crap AND I'm angry about it. I'm not doing this anymore.

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