
I feel like I’ve been duped

I left a job I knew well last month for the new one I have now. It sounded amazing! The boss was nice, the people I’d work with were nice. I got more money, more vacation, and it was five minutes from home. Now I’m here and I quite literally come home on my lunch break to cry. I’ve dreaded waking up every morning and I feel so stuck. My boss will not train me. She just throws work at me and expects me to do it when I have no knowledge of their operations or systems. I ask for help, she explains how to get info or how to log into something, then that’s it! That’s all the help I get. The people aren’t nice. I smile and say hi to others in the halls, they don’t even look at me. Nobody talks to anyone. I’m isolated in my…

I left a job I knew well last month for the new one I have now. It sounded amazing! The boss was nice, the people I’d work with were nice. I got more money, more vacation, and it was five minutes from home.

Now I’m here and I quite literally come home on my lunch break to cry. I’ve dreaded waking up every morning and I feel so stuck.

My boss will not train me. She just throws work at me and expects me to do it when I have no knowledge of their operations or systems. I ask for help, she explains how to get info or how to log into something, then that’s it! That’s all the help I get.

The people aren’t nice. I smile and say hi to others in the halls, they don’t even look at me. Nobody talks to anyone. I’m isolated in my office all day.

I have gained 5 lbs since starting and I can feel my mental health rapidly declining. Ive genuinely considered crashing my car to avoid being in that office.

I don’t want to quit. I’m not even a month in. I refuse to be seen as a job hopper.

I keep telling myself to at least make it until Christmas. It’s only 5 months off. Then I can quit and it won’t look as bad as 1 month.

I just feel so stupid.

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