
I feel like my boss doesn’t like me very much

Idk what it is, at jobs my boss either loves me and I’m the star employee or I’m their least favourite, there’s no in between. At my current job, my one manager I never see much but he’s chill with me, and my other one really likes me, we have a similar sense of humour and get along well. My coworkers are all vocal to me about how they think I’m the best employee there. Yet, I feel like my main boss doesn’t like me and idk how to cope with it. I always make sure to be respectful, do my work properly, always busy when she’s around (as I mostly always am anyways), I have yet to make any big mistakes, I have only called in to one of my shifts bc I was very very sick, i try to talk to her and like be friendly, yet it…

Idk what it is, at jobs my boss either loves me and I’m the star employee or I’m their least favourite, there’s no in between.

At my current job, my one manager I never see much but he’s chill with me, and my other one really likes me, we have a similar sense of humour and get along well.

My coworkers are all vocal to me about how they think I’m the best employee there. Yet, I feel like my main boss doesn’t like me and idk how to cope with it.

I always make sure to be respectful, do my work properly, always busy when she’s around (as I mostly always am anyways), I have yet to make any big mistakes, I have only called in to one of my shifts bc I was very very sick, i try to talk to her and like be friendly, yet it just seems like she doesn’t like me. She has a very different attitude to me than the others.

This one girl always wears tank tops and never gets in trouble, but I wore one and was told to cover up as it was a concern, and this guy literally wore a shirt with the f word on it. And when I talk she just genuinely seems so uninterested and could care less, but when others talk and ask her stuff she’s so into the conversation.

I just don’t know what to do and idk why she doesn’t like me

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