
I feel like my boss is tone policing me

my boss owns the restaurant i work at. its a small business just the one building. right now we dont have dine in. every now and then shell invite her family to sit in and eat tho. well one day she called me and asked me to put three tables down because 8-12 people were coming in to eat. i didnt argue and said okay but i said it in a way she didnt like. and she had me on speakerphone and her sister heard me i guess and i made them uncomfortable. i was worried about what to tell costumers when they came in asked to eat in and when i tell them no they have every right to point out the twelve people eating at a table. but again all i said was okay and i asked for specifications on how she wanted them set up. the next…

my boss owns the restaurant i work at. its a small business just the one building. right now we dont have dine in. every now and then shell invite her family to sit in and eat tho. well one day she called me and asked me to put three tables down because 8-12 people were coming in to eat. i didnt argue and said okay but i said it in a way she didnt like. and she had me on speakerphone and her sister heard me i guess and i made them uncomfortable. i was worried about what to tell costumers when they came in asked to eat in and when i tell them no they have every right to point out the twelve people eating at a table. but again all i said was okay and i asked for specifications on how she wanted them set up.

the next time she had her brother in law, his wife and their new baby. i talked to them as i took their order, congratulated them on their new baby and chatted for a quick second. i was upset this day cos i was scheduled with just her daughter (at night we have 3 people up frontt usually but this night it was just two) and her daughter wasnt even working because she was visiting with the family. so i was left to do everything on my own. and they left early that night too. at one point my boss was like “look at this baby “ while she was holding it and i said something along the lines of yeahhes so cute and continued walking to where i was going because i am not in the habit of getting into newborns faces after covid. well i apparently made her family uncomfortable then too.

i am autistic so sometimes when i feel an emotion it takes me a moment to “tuck “ the emotions away but i never get mean or say bad things. so i feel like its fucked up for her to use my emotions against me when i am trying to do the right thing

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