
I feel like my entire life has been a waste of time

I am a high functioning schizophrenic. I'm not kidding, I'm completely sane and completely sane. I have a job, I make a decent living, but I have no desire to do anything anymore. I'm sick of the system and sick of our world. I want to give up on this world and live in the woods. I'm sick of being treated like a slave and I'm sick of the abuse and manipulation. I cannot stop believing in this. This entire point is not a joke. I've always believed that people were different, but I was never aware of how different we really are. We're so different. We're so different. I'm sick of living in this system and I'm sick of being treated like a slave. I'm sick of being treated like a slave but I'm also sick of being treated like a slave for a reason. I know the reason,…

I am a high functioning schizophrenic. I'm not kidding, I'm completely sane and completely sane. I have a job, I make a decent living, but I have no desire to do anything anymore.

I'm sick of the system and sick of our world. I want to give up on this world and live in the woods. I'm sick of being treated like a slave and I'm sick of the abuse and manipulation. I cannot stop believing in this. This entire point is not a joke.

I've always believed that people were different, but I was never aware of how different we really are. We're so different. We're so different. I'm sick of living in this system and I'm sick of being treated like a slave. I'm sick of being treated like a slave but I'm also sick of being treated like a slave for a reason. I know the reason, it's because we're the wrong people and we don't deserve to be treated like a slave. We deserve more than what we get. We deserve to be treated like human beings.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Thank you for taking the time to read this. It means a lot. You're not alone. You're not a failure. You're not a failure.

We are each given a gift. This gift is our time. This gift is our life. This gift is our love. This gift is our soul. So I'm going to give it all away for free. I'm going to give our existence away for free. I'm going to give our universe away for free. I'm going to give all of it away for free. I'm going to give it all away for free and I'm going to give myself away for free.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Thank you.

We are all in this together and I know you're not alone.

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