
I feel like that boiling frog

Does anyone else remember the boiling frog analogy? That’s how I feel now with work and life in the U.S. in general. Everyday at work I feel like more responsibilities are added because I’m “capable” and “great” (lip service only). At this point I probably do the job of at least 2-3 people and I’ve just let it happen. Same as living in this fucking country. We’re becoming desensitized to the horrible path the U.S. is going down. Racism. Sexism. Classism. Wealth gap. Corruption. Hypocrisy. These mass shootings are not fucking okay. Being scared for our fundamental human rights is not okay. I feel really fucking down about the future and I want to see a way forward. Someone please tell me there’s a way out of this.

Does anyone else remember the boiling frog analogy? That’s how I feel now with work and life in the U.S. in general. Everyday at work I feel like more responsibilities are added because I’m “capable” and “great” (lip service only). At this point I probably do the job of at least 2-3 people and I’ve just let it happen.

Same as living in this fucking country. We’re becoming desensitized to the horrible path the U.S. is going down. Racism. Sexism. Classism. Wealth gap. Corruption. Hypocrisy. These mass shootings are not fucking okay. Being scared for our fundamental human rights is not okay.

I feel really fucking down about the future and I want to see a way forward. Someone
please tell me there’s a way out of this.

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