
I feel like the phrase “quiet quitting”should be changed to “quiet working”

I mean..We are still working, right? Let’s at least give us credit for that and not let these bloggers have opinion pieces on something that has been happening for some time now. It almost sounds insulting and condescending to the people that just want to go to work but don’t expect a cookie for doing it. I’ll continue working very quietly and happily. But, I don’t need news stations or blogs making me out to be some mole of society because I’m not brown-nosing my way to the top. Edit- i will not necessarily be working happily all the time, but you know what I mean!

I mean..We are still working, right? Let’s at least give us credit for that and not let these bloggers have opinion pieces on something that has been happening for some time now.

It almost sounds insulting and condescending to the people that just want to go to work but don’t expect a cookie for doing it.

I’ll continue working very quietly and happily. But, I don’t need news stations or blogs making me out to be some mole of society because I’m not brown-nosing my way to the top.

Edit- i will not necessarily be working happily all the time, but you know what I mean!

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