
I feel screwed over

So I work at a call center in Honduras. This was my first official job and the call center was brand new when I started back in December. I was the first employee. A couple months in they opened more positions and I recommended my cousin, he got in and is still working here. I had no idea about how call centers work, so I didn't know they usually have a hiring bonus if you recommend someone. Then more people came in, and they started recommending people, and they got a hiring bonus. Literally everyone else who's recommended someone has gotten that bonus, except for me because it wasn't being implemented back then. I feel so screwed over, and even more so considering that the people they've recommended are all gone by now, my cousin's still working here. I don't know, just wanted to rant about this I guess… I'm…

So I work at a call center in Honduras. This was my first official job and the call center was brand new when I started back in December. I was the first employee. A couple months in they opened more positions and I recommended my cousin, he got in and is still working here. I had no idea about how call centers work, so I didn't know they usually have a hiring bonus if you recommend someone. Then more people came in, and they started recommending people, and they got a hiring bonus. Literally everyone else who's recommended someone has gotten that bonus, except for me because it wasn't being implemented back then. I feel so screwed over, and even more so considering that the people they've recommended are all gone by now, my cousin's still working here. I don't know, just wanted to rant about this I guess… I'm thinking about asking them if that bonus could be retroactive and apply to me as well, but I don't even know how to go about that. The pay here is shit, I'm in so much debt and can't even afford my medication, plus now I don't have time to work on my side hustle. Capitalism sucks.

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