
I feel so defeated. I want to be a teacher, but there’s no way I can make it.

I dont know what to do. I'm currently a hotel night auditor, which is perfect with college. I can make just enough to scrape by and still go to school part time without overwhelming myself. I want to be a high school art teacher, I cant imagine myself doing anything else. But right now, I make 16.50 an hour. That's about 34,000 annually. Let's say I actually make it through college and find a teaching job. The average starting salary is 38,000 annually. The average salary is 51,000. How am I supposed to make it? How am I supposed to buy a house and raise a family? I want to adopt, but it costs close to $10,000? How am I supposed to afford a house, when the average home price is pushing $400,000? Let's say I scrape by and get a 5% down payment. That's $20,000. Close to half my…

I dont know what to do. I'm currently a hotel night auditor, which is perfect with college. I can make just enough to scrape by and still go to school part time without overwhelming myself. I want to be a high school art teacher, I cant imagine myself doing anything else. But right now, I make 16.50 an hour. That's about 34,000 annually. Let's say I actually make it through college and find a teaching job. The average starting salary is 38,000 annually. The average salary is 51,000. How am I supposed to make it? How am I supposed to buy a house and raise a family? I want to adopt, but it costs close to $10,000? How am I supposed to afford a house, when the average home price is pushing $400,000? Let's say I scrape by and get a 5% down payment. That's $20,000. Close to half my would-be salary.

How does any of this make sense? I don't understand how I'm supposed to make it. I don't know how I'm supposed to be happy.

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