
I finally am experiencing human decency at work. thought I’d share my unicorn of an experience.

I started looking for a new job at the end of last year. With the job market being as it currently is, I was days away from giving up hope that I’d find some place to treat me fairly. So I hopped on Craigslist, hoping I’d find SOMETHING to hold me over until I found the right place. I started working at a startup small machine shop as their first employee. It’s something I’ve never done before, but is right up my alley since my background is all mechanic/custom work for boats and cars… and I was able to pick up what they were putting down almost immediately. I’ll spare you the extra details about it but since I started working a few months ago, they’ve already given me multiple sizable bonuses just because they are happy with the work that I output. Here’s the real kicker; I think I’ve…

I started looking for a new job at the end of last year. With the job market being as it currently is, I was days away from giving up hope that I’d find some place to treat me fairly. So I hopped on Craigslist, hoping I’d find SOMETHING to hold me over until I found the right place.

I started working at a startup small machine shop as their first employee. It’s something I’ve never done before, but is right up my alley since my background is all mechanic/custom work for boats and cars… and I was able to pick up what they were putting down almost immediately.

I’ll spare you the extra details about it but since I started working a few months ago, they’ve already given me multiple sizable bonuses just because they are happy with the work that I output.

Here’s the real kicker; I think I’ve only worked here for 2 months total. Last week on 4/20, I was diagnosed with COVID. Awful, hit me like a bag of bricks. I told my boss and showed him my positive test, he told me to stay home and rest and let him know when I’m feeling better.

This sucks, I’m about to be out of work for 2 weeks, I just paid rent, wtf am I going to do?

Well yesterday my boss informed me that he’s paying me the entire time that I’ve been sick and out of work. The craziest thing is that they just gave me a $500 bonus the previous pay period.. and they’re still doing this for me?

Someone pinch me I must be dreaming.

I love /r/antiwork. All I can really hope for is that the fight for workplace equality continues in full force. Being treated like a human being at work for the first time in my life already has me mentally staying at this company for life.

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