
I finally did it.

I finally quit my job on May 21st. I couldn’t handle it anymore. I was the assistant manager. The morning I quit, I was twenty minutes late and I had been up for like… 22 or so hours crying and thinking and debating with myself by the time I actually went to sleep. I didn’t want to quit. I really didn’t. I just couldn’t handle being left to work insane hours alone and not being able to get anything done in the store. Leading up to my quitting, I’d had two days off in three and a half weeks, and I’d worked a couple of eleven to twelve hour shifts. My manager was aware of health complications I have as well. I left him this text message when I quit. “I’m sorry, I will not be returning to [Company Name]. My health is deteriorating rapidly and I don’t have medical…

I finally quit my job on May 21st. I couldn’t handle it anymore. I was the assistant manager. The morning I quit, I was twenty minutes late and I had been up for like… 22 or so hours crying and thinking and debating with myself by the time I actually went to sleep. I didn’t want to quit. I really didn’t. I just couldn’t handle being left to work insane hours alone and not being able to get anything done in the store. Leading up to my quitting, I’d had two days off in three and a half weeks, and I’d worked a couple of eleven to twelve hour shifts. My manager was aware of health complications I have as well. I left him this text message when I quit.

“I’m sorry, I will not be returning to [Company Name]. My health is deteriorating rapidly and I don’t have medical insurance to get seen by any doctors. My arms have been going numb disturbingly frequently for about two weeks now, I’m out of all medications for my diabetes including my insulin, and my body just can’t handle everything anymore. I’ve been sitting on this decision for about a week now, unsure of what to do. I was up all night last night thinking it over. I just can’t handle it all anymore. I’m really sorry. I know you’re hurting for people. I wanted this to work out and I had high hopes, but then I started running out of medications that are vital to my everyday life and new problems with my health arose. There’s no telling when I’ll get medical coverage, either, so I need to focus on putting my health first.”

Needless to say, he wasn’t thrilled. Like I said, I was assistant manager. I was also only getting paid CSR wages, which wasn’t cutting it. One of the employees working there now had started shortly before I left, and her fiancé had quit before he was even two days into the job. We were severely short staffed, and I know I didn’t help, but I guess this happens a lot with that store. People will apply, work, and then quit because they can’t handle it. I’m to the point with my health where I’m looking into disability on doctor’s orders (yeah, go figure, coverage kicked in a few days after quitting) because it’s just getting harder and harder to stand around for 8-12 hours a day with my knee and ankles being as messed up as they are.

Mr. Manager told me I was useless due to having an improperly healed fractured elbow, so I couldn’t lift a lot of the things that needed to be stocked. Right now, he’s currently in Mexico enjoying a second vacation within a month while his employees slave away.

Good freaking riddance. I have no regrets now. I have a life again, and time to spend with my family. That’s enough for me.

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