
I finally got a “nobody wants to work anymore”

I applied to a sales associate position. I had to re-fill out my application in person (I mostly put “see resume”). During my interview I found out the two people interviewing me were the district manager and store manager. The store manager has only been working there a week. There are no supervisors, no shift leads. So before the store manager it was JUST the DM. This store is also sizable and there were only two other employees there. I was told about the keyholder position, which I didn't even apply for, but no biggie, I have the experience and I'd take a little more responsibility for more money. Management told me they've been struggling, don't have staff, are dealing with theft, have more freight than they can handle, can't stay open the entire mall hours duration, etc. Basically “woe is me” for a good portion of the interview. Then…

I applied to a sales associate position. I had to re-fill out my application in person (I mostly put “see resume”). During my interview I found out the two people interviewing me were the district manager and store manager.

The store manager has only been working there a week.

There are no supervisors, no shift leads. So before the store manager it was JUST the DM. This store is also sizable and there were only two other employees there.

I was told about the keyholder position, which I didn't even apply for, but no biggie, I have the experience and I'd take a little more responsibility for more money. Management told me they've been struggling, don't have staff, are dealing with theft, have more freight than they can handle, can't stay open the entire mall hours duration, etc. Basically “woe is me” for a good portion of the interview.

Then they told me no cellphones were allowed on the floor (okay). They were to be locked away (…okay…). ONLY management has access to unlocking the cellphone area (not okay at all wtf). But then said you're free to check your phone anytime…yeah obviously not. Also thought it was weird they'd want two employees off the floor at once to get to one cellphone, might not be helping the theft issue. But I digress.

They require bag checks done, alright. But they even do it when an employee is going on break. Like….these items are sizable enough that you'd need a duffle bag or backpack to sneak one out. I asked if employees are expected to clock out prior to having bags checked even though this is company time and therefore should be paid and they got scrambled and just insisted it only took a quick second, everyone has to do it, etc. So…not paid, got it.

And the store manager really said, while sharing the story of how sad a state the store is in, that “the problem of course is nobody wants to work anymore. Like we need to people and have the hours, but nobody wants to work anymore.” Yes she said it twice. I had to look away because my face kind of said it all.

Btw the “keyholder” position (which, from what they described, is actually assistant store manager or at the very least supervisor) was offered to me at $16/hr. Minimum wage here is $12.55. So $16/hr to be an assistant manager who has to slave away moving hundreds of cases of freight (because they are that behind) and revive a dying store already plagued by theft and no employees. Plus drive an hour to get to work for that pay. No thank you. (If I'm being entitled, fair, lmk if you'd like the position, genuinely)

(The COL is fairly high where this job is too. Like, ~$1600 for a 1 bedroom apartment and $300k for a 2 bedroom house)

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