
I finally got that raise I mentioned.

I work for “the largest integrated cash distribution network in the United States” (pasted from the website) and I get paid $15/hr. The amount of money I touch and the things that I have to do does not equate to that $15/hr. I’m grateful for this job but this ain’t enough! A couple months ago, I emailed the branch manager and asked for a raise. I compared similar jobs to ours and provided their current pay and how one of them provided their people with a $1+ raise. I detailed my job description and every day tasks and the value of money I touch per week. (To specify, I touch literally $5-$6 Million in cash a week.) And I only get paid $15. How sway. I only asked for a few more dollars. I was basically told no and that the company will provide us with an annual raise in…

I work for “the largest integrated cash distribution network in the United States” (pasted from the website) and I get paid $15/hr. The amount of money I touch and the things that I have to do does not equate to that $15/hr. I’m grateful for this job but this ain’t enough!

A couple months ago, I emailed the branch manager and asked for a raise. I compared similar jobs to ours and provided their current pay and how one of them provided their people with a $1+ raise. I detailed my job description and every day tasks and the value of money I touch per week. (To specify, I touch literally $5-$6 Million in cash a week.) And I only get paid $15. How sway. I only asked for a few more dollars.

I was basically told no and that the company will provide us with an annual raise in October. Today we had a meeting, one thing my manager went over was the raise that we were supposed to get in October. Turns out, we got it yesterday! An entire 3% raise!

I now make $15.45.

Make this shit make sense.

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