
I finally quit

I finally quit my job from hell, and I feel like a bad person for it but it’s what’s best for my mental health. I got this job at a fast food restaurant when I was 18(I had been working at the same chain of restaurants since I was 16). Soon after getting this job, I was promoted to general manager because I was the only one with experience who was halfway qualified. I had no clue what I was doing, and the owners provided very little support or training. Since I was promoted I’ve been working 60 hour weeks, 6+ days a week while trying to go to college. During this job I have received death threats(I’m transgender) and have had to deal with several peoples mental health crisis, which I was not equipped to do. Despite the world being a not so nice place for me, I was…

I finally quit my job from hell, and I feel like a bad person for it but it’s what’s best for my mental health. I got this job at a fast food restaurant when I was 18(I had been working at the same chain of restaurants since I was 16). Soon after getting this job, I was promoted to general manager because I was the only one with experience who was halfway qualified. I had no clue what I was doing, and the owners provided very little support or training. Since I was promoted I’ve been working 60 hour weeks, 6+ days a week while trying to go to college. During this job I have received death threats(I’m transgender) and have had to deal with several peoples mental health crisis, which I was not equipped to do. Despite the world being a not so nice place for me, I was always trying to do the best by my employees and help everyone out. I’ve given them money, thrown pizza parties, and even let a few stay in my home when they had nowhere else safe to go. However, they still talk trash about m. I recently had to fire someone who walked out in the middle of their shift(I hate firing people) and everyone was mad at me that we were short staffed for the night, but also upset that I had fired her for leaving us short. That was my breaking point. So I walked out. I told them I was going to the mental hospital, but I’m just going camping(it’s much cheaper!) since then my phones been ringing off the hook. I feel bad, but it’s what I had to do. I just had to get my story off my chest.

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