
I finally quit my emotionally taxing job!

I’m 19 and I work at a burger chain restaurant in my town. I got hired almost a year ago and have been working there ever since, mostly as a hostess. I really liked my coworkers and the food is good. However the chain and my town bring in trashy customers so that’s something I have to deal with frequently. Within my first few months of working at this restaurant I was screamed at by a grown man bc the kitchen had messed up a doordash order and he had gotten rated one star. He flipped out and screamed at the top of his lungs and said he was gonna get me fired. I got my manager but the guy left. I was visibly shaken but said manager did not seem to worried about me. The following few months the doordasher came back into the restaurant and harassed me threatening…

I’m 19 and I work at a burger chain restaurant in my town. I got hired almost a year ago and have been working there ever since, mostly as a hostess. I really liked my coworkers and the food is good.

However the chain and my town bring in trashy customers so that’s something I have to deal with frequently. Within my first few months of working at this restaurant I was screamed at by a grown man bc the kitchen had messed up a doordash order and he had gotten rated one star. He flipped out and screamed at the top of his lungs and said he was gonna get me fired. I got my manager but the guy left. I was visibly shaken but said manager did not seem to worried about me.

The following few months the doordasher came back into the restaurant and harassed me threatening that “we wouldn’t have a repeat of last time” etc and same manager said we could do nothing about it.

So on this Thursday I was working my shift when a man in his 60’s walks up aggressively to me and points to a section and says he wants that table for 5. I assumed he was speaking about a certain table bc it was the only one that opens to fit 5. I told him ofc and that I was just going to make sure it’s set up. He told me firmly that I didn’t need to because I had just sat someone nearby. I was confused and told him I just wanted to make sure it was ready. He got very mad and argued again and I said “sir there’s no need to get upset” and tried to figure out what he was talking about. I tried to tell him I was going to open up the table but he said not to and I was still confused. He told me to get my manager and I said sure and he started yelling that I was a control freak and he had never met anyone as insufferable as me.

I tell my manager (same one from before) to get his ass out bc he was insulting me. And the guy still angrily talks shit about me to my manager as I overhear it I walk bye and smile to myself due to the ridiculousness and he points at me and yells “and there she goes, smiling!”

So I go to the line and complain about this guy. Apparently i wasn’t quiet enough and he heard me. So my manager says to meet him in his office. My heart fucking dropped. He angrily told me I was being immature and that this happens and you just have to deal with it. He said I made the whole situation worse. My manager said if I was complaining about the guy’s behavior to coworkers, his server may not give him the best service. Which he clearly cared more about. I stood near the line for 5 minutes, walked over and said I putting in my two weeks.

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