
I finally quit my job.

I didn't put my two weeks notice and have a job lined up. I was going to, but the job screwed up my mental health for 3 years. Too many people were stabbing each others back, people talked crap about you behind your back, and my paranoia was getting worse but yesterday did it. This solidified it, coworkers are not your friends. There are a couple they will get your back but the rest will screw you over for some cheap laughs. Had to figure out who got my back before I got my ass in more trouble. Also I now don't trust people anymore. My next job will be me not saying a word to anyone unless it has to do with the job. I'm staying the hell out of the drama. I knew it was a mistake saying anything. My parents were right, keep your damn head low.…

I didn't put my two weeks notice and have a job lined up. I was going to, but the job screwed up my mental health for 3 years. Too many people were stabbing each others back, people talked crap about you behind your back, and my paranoia was getting worse but yesterday did it.

This solidified it, coworkers are not your friends. There are a couple they will get your back but the rest will screw you over for some cheap laughs. Had to figure out who got my back before I got my ass in more trouble.

Also I now don't trust people anymore. My next job will be me not saying a word to anyone unless it has to do with the job. I'm staying the hell out of the drama. I knew it was a mistake saying anything. My parents were right, keep your damn head low. Life lesson learned.

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