
I finally stood up for myself, it feels great!

Today I had an interview with a local employer. They recommended a few options for dates and times and I chose the one that worked best for me. I showed up 10 minutes early dressed professionally and went to the receptionist as instructed. I was handed a clipboard with a huge packet and was told to fill it out while I waited. As I skimmed through it a majority of the information I had already input in my application and attached resume. I worked on filling out what wasn't included in either, as I don't see the point in putting the same information twice (I spoke with the person set to interview me on the phone to schedule my interview, I know they at least glanced at my resume as we had a discussion about my work history and current college courses). The whole packet was a bit of a…

Today I had an interview with a local employer. They recommended a few options for dates and times and I chose the one that worked best for me. I showed up 10 minutes early dressed professionally and went to the receptionist as instructed. I was handed a clipboard with a huge packet and was told to fill it out while I waited. As I skimmed through it a majority of the information I had already input in my application and attached resume. I worked on filling out what wasn't included in either, as I don't see the point in putting the same information twice (I spoke with the person set to interview me on the phone to schedule my interview, I know they at least glanced at my resume as we had a discussion about my work history and current college courses). The whole packet was a bit of a red flag to me, seemed more like something you would submit as an application and/or after getting the job (wanted my social security number, drivers license information (not a position where I would be driving), lawsuit history, etc.). After filling the majority of this out (at this point in time I had been sitting there for a total of 30 minutes (Yes, the packet was that big), 20 minutes past my scheduled interview time) and the receptionist came over, took the clipboard without asking and told me “they” would be with me shortly. I was only informed of being interviewed by one person and that interaction was a little weird, not even being able to get a word in, but whatever. I sat there for another 10 minutes and the receptionist came back and gave me an ear beating about how I didn't fill out the section regarding my employment history. I politely told her all of that information was provided on my resume and I'd be happy to provide another physical or digital copy. She responded with “Well I had to fill it all out, so…” Shoved the clipboard back in my lap and walked away. At this point I was livid and had been waiting for 40 minutes (30 minutes past my scheduled interview time) with no update as to when I'd actually be interviewed. I started to work on filling that information out but stopped and decided that I don't want to work for a company that is this inconsiderate and rude to potential employees. I walked over to the receptionists desk, my jacket in one hand and clipboard in the other and she asked if I was done. I told her “No, but you can inform “them” that I'm no longer interested in the position. I'm not going to be disrespected or have my time disrespected.” I saw her expression turn sour, and I headed towards the door. I could hear her slam the clipboard on her desk as I walked out. I then went across the street and applied at a local bakery.

Bottom line: Don't let employers disrespect you or your time. There are plenty of jobs out there hiring, don't suffer in one for an employer that's going to treat you like shit for minimum wage.

TL/DR: I walked out of an interview after waiting 40 minutes (30 minutes past my scheduled interview time) after being handed a massive packet to fill out, no information as to when I would be interviewed, and having my time wasted and being disrespected.

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