
I finally submitted my resignation but didn’t realize I did so on April Fool’s day

So the title pretty much sums it up, I've been unhappy where I am for a while as the pay isn't great and the work environment leaves me walking on eggshells so I needed out. My boss is a bit of a split personality and can go off like a psycho at the drop of a hat then turn nice without notice which should have been a red flag the first time it happened, a colleague left about a month ago because of this and called me out of the blue to let me know about a job with his old boss. I followed up and went for an interview the other day and the company seems to really have itself together and offered a lot more varied work as well as tickets and qualifications for machines I haven't been on yet which I've been trying to get for years.…

So the title pretty much sums it up, I've been unhappy where I am for a while as the pay isn't great and the work environment leaves me walking on eggshells so I needed out. My boss is a bit of a split personality and can go off like a psycho at the drop of a hat then turn nice without notice which should have been a red flag the first time it happened, a colleague left about a month ago because of this and called me out of the blue to let me know about a job with his old boss. I followed up and went for an interview the other day and the company seems to really have itself together and offered a lot more varied work as well as tickets and qualifications for machines I haven't been on yet which I've been trying to get for years. The downside is they pay a bit less but the experience offered means better pay in the long run. I also got forwarded some offers from another friend working in the mining industry for some FIFO (fly in, fly out) work. After seeing what I was being offered and knowing I was set regardless I decided to submit my resignation and called my boss to let him know. He took it really well and didn't even question it which I thought was really really weird but I sent my letter of resignation and noted my last date of work (in 4 weeks) and went back to work. I just spotted the roster and he's still got me working next month and hasn't acted any differently. Then I realized I submitted my resignation on April Fool's day and I don't think he realizes it's real.
TL;DR: Submitted my resignation after months of working in a horrible work environment, boss took it too well and I think he thinks it was a joke because I did it on April Fool's day

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