
I find it disgusting how commonplace it is for companies to just totally ghost prospective employees who interviewed with them. Anyone who puts in the time, energy, and effort into preparing for and attending an interview at least deserves to be notified of your decision to go a different direction

I’ve been on the job hunt for a few months now and I can tell you that it’s exceptionally rare for a company to bother letting you know they found another candidate. And it makes me so angry. I’ve had several interviews where I got the sense that I wasn’t going to get the job. But I’ve also had a few (sometimes consisting of multiple interviews) where the interview seemed to go great. I felt confident, they seemed to really like me. They promised to follow up within the next few days and then…. Radio silence. I even try to reach out by email after awhile, thanking them for their time and asking for an update. Still nothing. I think I’m going to just start calling and essentially forcing them to give me a response. As an interviewee, there are all these expectations placed on me to look, act, and…

I’ve been on the job hunt for a few months now and I can tell you that it’s exceptionally rare for a company to bother letting you know they found another candidate. And it makes me so angry. I’ve had several interviews where I got the sense that I wasn’t going to get the job.

But I’ve also had a few (sometimes consisting of multiple interviews) where the interview seemed to go great. I felt confident, they seemed to really like me. They promised to follow up within the next few days and then…. Radio silence. I even try to reach out by email after awhile, thanking them for their time and asking for an update. Still nothing. I think I’m going to just start calling and essentially forcing them to give me a response.

As an interviewee, there are all these expectations placed on me to look, act, and dress professionally. I spend a long time preparing for these interviews. And then I sacrifice my time and resources (currently without a car so sometimes have to Uber to/from interviews) just for the chance to get to work there.

And you can’t even be bothered to send me a generic copy paste email saying “Unfortunately we are moving in another direction.” At least then I would KNOW and would stop watching my hope/optimism fade away day by day as I realize I’ve been ghosted.

Fuck companies that do this. I don’t know if it’s laziness or cowardice or both but it shouldn’t be tolerated.

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