
I found out a faculty of over 15 years at my private university is getting paid 1k more than the stipend of graduate students.

I am steaming for this person. They are a stock room manager and take on so many more tasks than that title implies, yet the school I go to has grossly undervalued this person. This position supposedly is a higher paying position; they should be getting 3x more than they are getting paid by my school, according to what I have looked up about their position online. They have been ignored on matters concerning chemical waste management, they have been ignored when asking for raises (moderate wage requests compared what they should be getting paid in the first place) and is now about to accept a position elsewhere because finances are tough (understandably). This person still wants to stay, and no matter how little I understand their reasons, I am going to try and help get them what they need to stay. It is a crime this person gets paid…

I am steaming for this person. They are a stock room manager and take on so many more tasks than that title implies, yet the school I go to has grossly undervalued this person. This position supposedly is a higher paying position; they should be getting 3x more than they are getting paid by my school, according to what I have looked up about their position online. They have been ignored on matters concerning chemical waste management, they have been ignored when asking for raises (moderate wage requests compared what they should be getting paid in the first place) and is now about to accept a position elsewhere because finances are tough (understandably). This person still wants to stay, and no matter how little I understand their reasons, I am going to try and help get them what they need to stay. It is a crime this person gets paid a mere 1k more than the graduate student stipend at my school.

The graduate student association is going to try and address this matter on a level of addressing all important service workers on campus. I am going to try and constrict a letter with them and the college unit that this person works in, getting signatures from students and faculty, and going to the new president of my school. Any advice would be helpful if you or someone you know has has a similar battle with their school. My university is private.

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