
i gave a two day notice and didn’t show up for the second day

i feel horrible but giddy at the same time. i hated my job; i was ostracized for my sexuality, excluded from events, everyone thought i was stupid even after working there for over 4 months because me being the “newest” obviously meant i didn't know what i was doing. I GOT WRITTEN UP FOR HAVING A SEPTUM PIERCING. no one told me i wasn't allowed to have one so how should i have known??? also: i was promised AT LEAST 25hrs a week at hire, and sometimes was given only 7…. never worked more than 20th a week at most, and that was very seldom. i was supposed to work at 8am. it's just after 9 now and i've gotten 6 missed calls and several texts from my manager. idk why i even bothered to give a two day notice. i don't owe anyone there my time of day! i…

i feel horrible but giddy at the same time. i hated my job; i was ostracized for my sexuality, excluded from events, everyone thought i was stupid even after working there for over 4 months because me being the “newest” obviously meant i didn't know what i was doing. I GOT WRITTEN UP FOR HAVING A SEPTUM PIERCING. no one told me i wasn't allowed to have one so how should i have known???

also: i was promised AT LEAST 25hrs a week at hire, and sometimes was given only 7…. never worked more than 20th a week at most, and that was very seldom.

i was supposed to work at 8am. it's just after 9 now and i've gotten 6 missed calls and several texts from my manager. idk why i even bothered to give a two day notice.

i don't owe anyone there my time of day! i start my new job on tuesday which probably won't be any better, but i get paid $1.50 more than minimum wage (still not great) but i have consistent hours, i don't have to talk to people and i can listen to music (with headphones) while i work. it will be slightly more than enough to pay the bills which is exciting bc i have been looking into getting a cat!

i know my coworkers are probably shit-talking me right now but oh well! i'm free from that wretched cramped little coffee stand forever!!!!

i feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

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