
I Gave My Last Job a 1 Day Notice

Alright, boys and girls. Buckle up for this one. I worked at my last job for a total of 10 months. For the first six months or so I was a Business Development Rep (that’s the role I applied for). They set my co-worker and I up to fail from the very beginning. The monthly quotas were unachievable and based off of zero research. They completely made them up. Him and I didn’t even come close to hitting the quota the entire time we were in our roles. Both of us were extremely experienced and top-notch at sales (that’s why we were hired). Yet, instead of taking responsibility for their own stupidity and lack of direction, on a random Monday morning, they fired him. I was the grand prize winner. I was given the option to take a demotion into what turned out to be an even more soul-crushing role…

Alright, boys and girls. Buckle up for this one. I worked at my last job for a total of 10 months. For the first six months or so I was a Business Development Rep (that’s the role I applied for).

They set my co-worker and I up to fail from the very beginning. The monthly quotas were unachievable and based off of zero research. They completely made them up.

Him and I didn’t even come close to hitting the quota the entire time we were in our roles. Both of us were extremely experienced and top-notch at sales (that’s why we were hired).

Yet, instead of taking responsibility for their own stupidity and lack of direction, on a random Monday morning, they fired him. I was the grand prize winner. I was given the option to take a demotion into what turned out to be an even more soul-crushing role at this dumpster fire of a company.

I have a family to support. So I took the demotion so ya know, I could actually feed my child.

After about 3 months of wasting my life in this new role, I was offered a full-time position at a different company I was working at on the side. I jumped on it because it was a much better fit and I loved the owners of the business. These people had been nothing but incredible for the last 4 months I had been working for them.

I gave my boss a 1 day notice. When she asked why I wasn’t wanting to give a longer notice, I told her “because I can’t imagine wasting any more of my life doing this job.”

Moral of the story:

Don’t waste your time working for people who don’t respect you or your skill set. Give them the same respect they give you. None.

I’m happy to announce to you guys that I’m still at my current job and I absolutely love it here. I get treated very well, earn a much higher income, and here’s the real shocker…

The owners value me and show me a ton of respect because my skill sets help this company and it’s clients flourish.

No shit.

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