
I get paid sick time but was almost fired for using it.

At my work we are luckily alotted paid sick hours that you can use if you are sick and have to call in. I was sick a lot recently just a really nasty chest cold that ate up a lot of it and also an allergic reaction to something I couldn’t identify that took a couple days to recover from. We get so many hours and they get replenished every couple of months or so. Well since I was close to being out of sick time my boss called me into the office to talk about that (even though the hours get replenished). I was threatened with termination if I use too much sick time even though those hours are given to us as paid hours for us to use in that situation. I literally explained that to him and then he realized how idiotic it was to fire me…

At my work we are luckily alotted paid sick hours that you can use if you are sick and have to call in. I was sick a lot recently just a really nasty chest cold that ate up a lot of it and also an allergic reaction to something I couldn’t identify that took a couple days to recover from. We get so many hours and they get replenished every couple of months or so. Well since I was close to being out of sick time my boss called me into the office to talk about that (even though the hours get replenished). I was threatened with termination if I use too much sick time even though those hours are given to us as paid hours for us to use in that situation. I literally explained that to him and then he realized how idiotic it was to fire me for using time that was given to me and softened a little. Recently I was super sick again with food poisoning but after that incident I didn’t call in and just spent like half my day in the bathroom puking instead.

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