
I get that this may sound shitty.

I’m a privileged 47 year old straight white male with very little to complain about. But there is one thing in my life that I haven’t been able to have and I want it sooo bad. I’ve worked very hard my whole life, not wanting to make wave and risk being fired and having to worry that I won’t be able to support my family. Well at this point in my life what I would like to do is get a job at subway or Burger King or target and work it. Work it like an eager little Beaver for a few weeks and then one day when I think that the fun has worn off I want to loudly and extravagantly I want to quit mid shift. I want to take a few shitty customers down with me. I want to have the rest of the staff talk about…

I’m a privileged 47 year old straight white male with very little to complain about. But there is one thing in my life that I haven’t been able to have and I want it sooo bad. I’ve worked very hard my whole life, not wanting to make wave and risk being fired and having to worry that I won’t be able to support my family. Well at this point in my life what I would like to do is get a job at subway or Burger King or target and work it. Work it like an eager little
Beaver for a few weeks and then one day when I think that the fun has worn off I want to loudly and extravagantly I want to quit mid shift. I want to take a few shitty customers down with me. I want to have the rest of the staff talk about “the incident” for months in hushed tones. I know it’s dumb and I should have done this when I was 20 but I didn’t so I want to now. Now if this dumb and shitty then tell me and I’ll go on with my life even if it is with this one regret but if now I just may go fill out a stupid fucking application soon. Why are we still doing that by the way. Seems like a horrible way to get to know a future employee. So whatcha think?

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