
I ghosted my job of 4 years

I've come here to vent so I hope this isn't too off topic. I started as a dishwasher at this fancy taco shop when they first opened. They promoted me to morning line cook, but then covid hit. They still offered me days here and there during the shutdown, and then when they reopened I was back to 5-6 days a week. However, I had a lot of time to reflect on my life during covid and I decided that the best way forward for me was to go back to school and finish my bachelor's degree. It was hard managing both school and work but I got through it somehow. Then summer hit and it was a disaster. I know it is hard to find new people but the workload became unmanageable. It was almost impossible to feed so many customers with a skeleton crew… But I'm good at…

I've come here to vent so I hope this isn't too off topic. I started as a dishwasher at this fancy taco shop when they first opened. They promoted me to morning line cook, but then covid hit. They still offered me days here and there during the shutdown, and then when they reopened I was back to 5-6 days a week. However, I had a lot of time to reflect on my life during covid and I decided that the best way forward for me was to go back to school and finish my bachelor's degree. It was hard managing both school and work but I got through it somehow.

Then summer hit and it was a disaster. I know it is hard to find new people but the workload became unmanageable. It was almost impossible to feed so many customers with a skeleton crew… But I'm good at pushing through things so for a while I could keep up

However, I noticed my depression getting worse. I found it hard to get out of bed and I was ordering UberEats every day. My house fell into disrepair and I was barely able to take care of myself.

The final straw was this weekend. Despite the lack of staff, management wanted to extend hours and offer a new brunch menu. Resources were limited and the chef was quitting and completely absent most of the time. He called it “working remotely”

The new manager they are training to take his place is a real piece of work. He's great at cooking, but lacks experience managing people. I asked him about cilantro and he blew up at me because of my “tone of voice”. I lost my shit, yelled at him that I was quitting, and walked out.

That was supposed to be the last thing I said to them? But of course the owner called me and begged me to stay. The owner said that the new manager would call me to hash things out, and I agreed to give them another chance based on that.

Well… The new manager never called me, so today I put my phone on do not disturb and took myself out to the movies and got margaritas

It feels great being free, I just feel like the real problem is me somehow and I just hate working….

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