
I got a fun call from HR this morning.

A few weeks ago, I submitted a complaint to the DoL against the company I'm still employed with for wage theft issues, specifically regarding unpaid travel time to certain jobsites. (I'm in the construction field). The call actually went better than I had hoped. HR expressed a slight bit of disappointment that I went over them on this issue, but I did explain my reasoning as to why I did what I did. Overall, I'm feeling optimistic about the resolution, whenever it comes. I'm not fearful of losing my job, because I already have a start date with a trades union company in my current field starting next month. I'm also not fearful of losing my job because since there's an investigation going into this issue, any kind of punitive action they might try to take would be seen as retaliation (unless I legitimately fuck up in a major way).…

A few weeks ago, I submitted a complaint to the DoL against the company I'm still employed with for wage theft issues, specifically regarding unpaid travel time to certain jobsites. (I'm in the construction field).

The call actually went better than I had hoped. HR expressed a slight bit of disappointment that I went over them on this issue, but I did explain my reasoning as to why I did what I did.

Overall, I'm feeling optimistic about the resolution, whenever it comes. I'm not fearful of losing my job, because I already have a start date with a trades union company in my current field starting next month. I'm also not fearful of losing my job because since there's an investigation going into this issue, any kind of punitive action they might try to take would be seen as retaliation (unless I legitimately fuck up in a major way).

All in all, I felt good after talking to HR. Not because of them, but because I may finally get the money owed to me.

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