
I got a great plan

A lot of people think we can vote, join a union, or strike our way into better labor laws, work environment, and economic power. This is the thing, most policies are made to fuck us over. And if you haven’t realized, s/ we’ve been doing great with voting our way into better things. The reason these industries have so much influence and economic power is that they lobby their way into an unfair playing ground that gives them the advantage. A great documentary on the prison industry doing this is amendment 13th on netflix and youtube video by representus called corruption is legal in america. Now if you do a little bit of research you will see the job of politicians is to convince us they are going to help us while they pass these bills that creates unfair economic disadvantages for us. When the flow of money always goes…

A lot of people think we can vote, join a union, or strike our way into better labor laws, work environment, and economic power. This is the thing, most policies are made to fuck us over.
And if you haven’t realized, s/ we’ve been doing great with voting our way into better things.

The reason these industries have so much influence and economic power is that they lobby their way into an unfair playing ground that gives them the advantage. A great documentary on the prison industry doing this is amendment 13th on netflix and youtube video by representus called corruption is legal in america.

Now if you do a little bit of research you will see the job of politicians is to convince us they are going to help us while they pass these bills that creates unfair economic disadvantages for us.

When the flow of money always goes towards powerful industries we will always loose our economic buying power. As our debt backed currency is constantly going through inflation because of constant borrowing of the federal reserve, minimum wage will never catch up. Every time they print money it mostly ends up in the hands of a small group of investors. Trace the private shareholders in all these industries. The system was built so they end up with all economic power.

So heres my idea. Its simple but it might be a problem for some. Shop local. And all small businesses should source local. And we should not give af about residential and commercial laws of where we can or cannot sell items or services.

If we simply source local, the flow of money will stay local. The reason we keep loosing out buying power is because the laws and system are made so we source mostly corporately. And this is how we lost our buying power.

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